Friday, March 26, 2010


A rare, warm day, over 60 degrees, surrounded by days of rain. And fortunately, it’s a day I set aside for painting.

The backyard is a busy, elaborate place, full of trees and flowers and changing shadows. It’s always a challenge to predict where the sun will swing and how it will affect the view. I choose the star magnolia as my focus, knowing that it will be in full sun within an hour.

The grass is a vivid spring green. Everything is intensely green. This is going to be a really green painting. Maybe that’s okay. It’s refreshing after the browns of winter.


  1. Glad to see you're out painting in the sunshine, Karen! Beautiful tree and light.

  2. Thanks!

    It was a beautiful day. Sometimes I think I don't really see the day unless I paint it.

  3. oooo Karen--your comment is as divine as your painting: "Sometimes I think I don't really see the day unless I paint it".
    Love that light in your magnolia painting.
